Artist Bio:

Quinn Hopkins is an artist at the intersection of Urban Indigenous culture and new media, crafting a vibrant dialogue between Indigenous history, present urban life, and futuristic visions. Deeply rooted in Anishinaabe-Métis traditions with guidance from mentors like Nyle Miigizi Johnston, his work reimagines Indigenous iconography for the modern era. Showcased in venues such as the Thunder Bay Art Gallery and the University of Toronto's Hart House, his art spans digital creations to immersive installations. Hopkins's core ambition is to inspire future generations through storytelling that not only captivates but also educates and connects deeply with viewers. His commitment to blending traditional narratives with cutting-edge technology aims to create experiences that celebrate Indigenous culture while fostering a sense of community and understanding across diverse audiences. Through his art, Hopkins seeks to forge a path that honors heritage while embracing the possibilities of the future.

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